Recent Research

Recent Research

  1. Universal Controller for Interconnection of Distributed Generators (DG) with the Utility Lines
  2. Development of Toroidal Distribution Transformers (DOE) (1. Impulse; 2. Thermal; 3. Leakage 1 ; Leakage 2)
  3. Analysis of Secondary Networks having DG. (Con Edison) (1. Maximum amount of DG; 2. Voltage control)
  4. Development and Modeling of a Universal Power Converter for Fuel Cell Applications in Aircraft Power Systems(Patent 1, Patent 2, Patent 3, Patent 4, Patent 5).
  5. 3G System of the Future (1. Smart Grid; 2. Very Large Systems)
  6. Root cause Analysis of Transformer Explosions installed in Vaults (1.Thermal analysis; 2; DGOA Predictive)
  7. Conservation of Voltage Reduction (ZIP CoefficientsCVR Model, Economic Impact)
  8. Cable Thermal Rating
  9. Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles
  10. Overvoltages in Distribution Systems