Algo2 Projects

Past projects (including from other similar courses)

What should your project involve?

Project milestones

Note: If you want to get started on your project before the course officially begins, that is fine with me.
  1. Skim through course material, look around online, and discuss with me.
  2. Provide three brief project proposals. Each should have a title and a brief description of the topic. These will be shared with the rest of the class.
  3. After discussing with me, select your topic and describe what you plan on doing in more detail.
  4. Provide a website with an outline of your project. If you are doing an interactive demo, you need to show that you are able to process user input.
  5. Create a reasonable draft of your project. I always have a lot of comments and require revisions.

How do you pick a project?

Conference and journal proceedings

Note that selecting a paper from a prestigious conference will be impressive but you might also get stuck on details and have to dig much deeper to understand what is being described. Chances are that it will not be self-contained. The smaller conferences contain many papers with interesting results that are non-trivial while still at a level that is accessible to students. They often also have suggestions for further research.
You may need to access some of the following via your university portal.

Conferences Journals